Okay, yes, we're happy the rain is slowly alleviating the drought. And yes, that rumor about plants enjoying spring rains probably has some truth to it. But seriously, does it have to rain every day? We're trying to get ready for a show here miz Mother Nature...
Despite the challenges, progess is being made. Go Hardin! More foundations were poured or excavated, and the masons began construction of the pedestals on top of the foundations. At this point, the prep work looks like a series of small lakes and charming masoleum-like structures dotting the Garden. It will all come together, rest assured. This is all part of the process, and it's exciting to see show physically take shape.
We had a fun surprise this week too. The excavations in the Granite Outcrop unearthed the old granite curb and road bed. There's no telling how old that curb is, but if it's granite, it's old.
I see the sun poking in through my window! It's going to be a great day at the Garden.
checking out the cool blog!